We use an evidence-based, participatory design approach in our design process to design for spaces to suit the needs of specific users. Our process includes the use of design audit tools to access sites, engaging all stakeholders to ensure the best outcome, and a Post Occupancy Evaluation to ensure sound design outcome.

Therapeutic Gardens Consultancy

A Therapeutic Garden is an outdoor plant-dominated environment purposely designed based on specific user needs to encourage and facilitate plant-people interactions.

It is healing because its environment promotes the restoration of health to its user. It is enabling because it provides a setting that makes rehabilitation possible, practical and easy.

What is a Therapeutic Garden?

  • Garden Evaluation

    Using user-specific design audit tools, we review existing gardens and potential sites for their suitability as therapeutic environments.

  • Participatory Design Engagement

    Our participatory design process involves engaging various stakeholders to contribute to the creation of the garden and to ensure the best outcome for all stakeholders.

  • Concept & Detailed Design

    Through evidence-based design and participatory design approach, we conceptualise the design of the garden and provide detailed specifications for the development of the garden.

  • Post Occupancy Evaluation

    After the completion of the garden, we work closely with the client to gather feedbacks and evaluate the design outcome through a Post Occupancy Evaluation.

View Our Portfolio HERE